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Services and Information
Clinics and Self Referral Options
View what clinics we offer along with local self referral options for a range of medical issues
Getting test results
Find out how to view or ask questions about your test results.
Services near me
Find a NHS service near you.
Getting a fit (sick) note
Request a sick note if you've been sick for more than 7 days.
Submit readings
Submit a reading to your GP if you have been requested to do so.
Accessing your health record
Find out about the types of records and how to access them.
Changing your contact details
Update your name, address, phone numbers or email address.
This guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they're safe and important.
Accessing someone else’s information (Proxy access)
As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.
Managing your health online (online services)
There are many things you can do online at our surgery.
Healthy living
NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.
Access and Information
This service is available to anyone over 65 years of age and living in the Southern Trust Area who is struggling to complete daily living tasks independently and/or feels isolated or lonely and would like connected to local support services.
A relative and/or carer can contact on the patients behalf. Through this, patients can access various services including social work input, occupational therapy and incontinence services.
Telephone numbers:
028 37 564 300 (Monday - Friday 9.00am-5.00pm)
028 9504 9999 (Out of Hours)
Are You a Carer?
Are you a carer?
If you are, please let us know. We may be able to help you.
Contact Carers Direct - Telephone 0808 802 0202
Helpline Information -
Email -
Office Hours - Lines are open 8.00am-9.00pm Monday to Friday, 11.00am-4.00pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.
Interpreting Service
If you require an interpreter, this can be arranged via the receptionist. Please allow 7-10 working days for the arrangement of this service. In the case of an emergency, please bring a family member or friend with you to act as an interpreter for you.
Request for notes/letters for PIP applications and appeals
On a daily basis we get a large number of requests for notes/letters for PIP applications and appeals. This creates a large volume of work which increases the workload of our administration staff and takes our doctors away from seeing patients. Our experience is, that the medical notes are unlikely to help with your application, as points are awarded to how your medical conditions affect your ability to do activities of daily living, (washing, dressing, walking etc), and not on the medical conditions themselves. Your medical records are unlikely to hold this key information which will help with your application.
Private Fees
Non-NHS Services
The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions and some vaccination services. Our fees for these services, which are in line with BMA approved national guidelines, are displayed below.
Private certificates/examinations are discretionary, and the practice may elect not to undertake the provision of the requested report.
Description |
Fee |
· Straightforward certificates of fact
£20 |
· Private sick note (incapacity certificate) required by patient for presentation to an employer except for those which the doctor is obliged to provide for statutory sick pay purposes |
£40 |
· Accident or sickness insurance certificate - short certificate of incapacity without examination for patient to claim under accident or sickness insurance |
£40 |
· Freedom from infection certificate, e.g. for school, travel, or employment |
£40 |
· Validation of private medical insurance (PMI) claim form, to support a claim for benefit in connection with private medical insurance, or completion of a pre-treatment form. |
£40 |
· Health club brief written report to certify that a patient is fit for exercise (needs examination to be meaningful) |
£50 |
· School fees and holiday insurance certificates |
£40 |
· Extract from records |
£50 |
· Report on a pro forma, no examination (e.g. 20 minutes) |
£70 |
· Written report without examination, providing a detailed opinion and statement on the condition of the patient (e.g. 30 minutes) |
£120 |
· Work in surgery, indicating time element where appropriate |
£170 |
· Medical examination and report in surgery (e.g. 45 minutes) |
£135 |
· Completion of Child minder health form |
£91 |
· Driving licence medical (excluding optometry exam) |
£100 |
· GP report for insurance applicants |
£150 |
· GP supplementary reports |
£20 - £150 |
Other Useful Telephone Numbers
Out of Hours: 028 3839 9201
Access and Information: 028 3756 4300
Social Services: 028 3832 7824
Health Visitor: 028 3832 7824
Midwife: 028 3834 1210
Community Psychiatric Nurse: 028 3834 7537
District Nursing - Lurgan: 028 3756 0222
District Nursing - Gilford: 028 3756 3835
District Nursing - Banbridge: 028 4062 0045
Macmillan Nurse: 028 3832 2597
Macmillan Support and Information Centre: 028 9069 9201
Marie Curie Cancer Care: 028 9088 2000
Craigavon Area Hospital: 028 3833 4444
Lurgan Hospital: 028 3832 7824
Royal Victoria Hospital: 028 9024 0503
Belfast City Hospital: 028 9032 9241
Musgrave Park Hospital: 028 9090 2000
South Tyrone Hospital: 028 8772 2821
Ulster Hospital, Dondonald: 028 9048 4511
Daisy Hill Hospital: 028 3083 5000
Ulster Independent Private Clinic: 028 9066 1212
Hillsborough Private Clinic: 028 9268 8899
St John's Hospice, Newry: 028 3026 7711
Clear Pharmacy, Donaghcloney: 028 3882 0410
Clear Pharmacy, Waringstown: 028 3888 2402
AIDS Helpline: 028 9032 6117
Alcoholics Anonymous: 028 3832 1260
Area Health Promotion Unit: 028 3752 2341
Blossom Sure Start: 028 3833 7455
CMAC (Marriage Guidance): 028 3833 4781
Citizens Advice Bureau: 028 3835 3260
Drugs Dependency Unit: 028 3752 2381
Health & Social Care Board: 0300 555 0115
Lifeline Helpline: 0808 808 8000
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0800 800 500
Parents Advice Centre: 0808 8010 722
P.I.P.S Hope and Support Public Initiative for the Prevention of Suicide and Self Harm: 028 3831 0151
Rape Crisis Association: 038 9032 6803
RELATE (Marriage Guidance): 028 9032 3454
Samaritans: 028 3833 3555
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic, Belfast: 028 9089 4777
Star Helpline (Child Abuse): 0800 662 662
Ulster Pregnancy Advisory Service: 028 9032 1345